Andy Hopson
2 min readOct 26, 2024

Phil Lyman’s Fight to Save Utah

In the heart of Utah, where mountains stand tall,

An election looms that will shake them all.

Phil Lyman, the hero, a patriot’s name,

With courage unmatched, he entered the game.

Spencer Cox, the incumbent, held power’s cold hand,

Snatching votes with a scheme so slyly planned.

Though Phil won the caucus, the choice of the crowd,

Cox’s crew wove a web, corrupt and loud.

With phony petitions, and signatures bought,

Cox skipped past the law while the people fought.

But Phil stayed steady, as brave heroes do,

Running as write-in, staying loyal and true.

With cash and a steak dinner, Cox conjured a scheme,

Two fake Lyman’s were added to muddy the dream.

But the people saw through his underhanded play,

And soon the imposters were sent on their way.

So onward Phil goes, to the courts he has turned,

Fighting for justice, a victory earned.

For Utah’s red heart, its mountains, its fate,

Stand up, write in “Phil Lyman”, before it’s too late.

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